Dolores Ford Mobley's Family Tree
Click on Dolores' Family Tree to check the index and genealogy reports on the ancestors. Below are some brief descriptions of the family names of my great-grandparents.
I would love to exchange information with some long-lost cousins out there!
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Ford - The Ford family settled in Fayette Co., Illinois in the 1850's, coming from Wayne Co., New York, and prior to that, Herkimer Co., New York. Earlier ancestors are found in New London Co., Conn. and Plymouth Co, Mass. as far back as the 1600's.
Bob & Evelyn (Bassett) Ford (1988) (father/mother)
John & Lelia (Gardner) Ford (1927) (grandfather/grandmother)
Ed &Sarah (Shepard) Ford (ca: 1885) (g-grandfather/g-grandmother)
(front, l-r) Will Ford, John Ford, Ed Ford (g-grandfather), Charley Ford, Gene Ford (back, l-r) Effie (Mathis) Ford, Lillie (Stephens) Ford, Sarah (Shepard) Ford (g-grandmother), Emogene (Goodrich) Ford (g-g-grandmother), Mattie (Oldham) Ford
Emogene (Goodrich) Ford (g-g-grandmother)
John & Louisa (Caster) Ford, (ca: 1865) (g-g-g-grandparents)
Shepard - I have much to learn on this family. Although all of my ancestors came to early to pass through Ellis Island, the Shepards did come later - around 1860. Two brothers, John and James, came from England (probably born near York, England). Story legend has it that they stowed away on separate trips. John settled in Marion Co., Ill. and James in Effingham Co., Ill., and they married sisters from the Hull family of Marion Co., Ill. There was also supposedly another brother named Daniel who also made the trip.
(front, l-r) Rebecca (Hull) Shepard & John Shepard (g-g-grandparents) (back, l-r) Henry & Jen (Shepard) Jarhaus, Grace (Shepard) Craig, Mary (Shepard) Harrell, Ed & Sarah (Shepard) Ford (g-grandparents)
Gardner - Finally settling in Jackson Co., Ill., this Gardner branch came from Benton Co., Ark. The Gardners settled in Putnam Co, Ind. near Greencastle, in the early 1800's, but who were Luke Gardner's parents?!
Reynold Gardner (g-grandfather), Leo Gardner (back), Willard Gardner, Jessie (Blevins) Gardner (g-grandmother), Lelia (Gardner) Ford (grandmother) (ca: 1909)
Blevins - Seaton Blevins was born in Kentucky or Tennessee, and settled in Macoupin Co., Ill. near Carlinville in the 1830's. He was married twice and had several children... sadly, the family was broken in two after the Civil War when some of the children fought for the north, and Seaton's heart was still with the south.
John & Jennie (Pitt) Blevins (g-g-grandparents)
Bassett - Harvey Foster Bassett settled in Marion Co., Ill. in the late 1850's. His parents, Elisha and Elizabeth (Foster) Bassett Jr. settled in settled in Jefferson Co., Ind. in the early 1800's. This Bassett family goes back to William Bassett who came to America in the 1600's. I'm very interested in knowing more about my Indiana Bassetts that settled around the Jefferson Co.,Ind. area.
(Back, l-r) Mamie (Garrett) Bassett & Clyde C. Bassett (grandparents) (front, l-r) Helen (Bassett) O'Dell, Evelyn (Bassett) Ford (mother) (ca: 1943)
Clyde & Mamie (Garrett) Bassett (1929) (grandparents)
Lafayette "Lafe" Bassett (ca: 1880) & Mary Illinoi "Noi" (Arnold) Bassett (ca: 1885) (g-grandparents)
Harvey Foster Bassett & Sarah (Chilton) Bassett (g-g-grandparents)
Arnold - My great-great-great-grandfather Johnathan Arnold came from the south prior to 1850 and settled in Foster Twp., Marion Co., IL. This move was made because Johnathan believed in the "Northern Cause" prior to the Civil War. This Arnold line was in Laurens Co, SC, Madison Co, AL, and Lowndes Co, MS and ended up settling in Foster Twp., Marion Co., IL. in the 1840's.
James & Caroline (Green) Arnold (g-g-grandparents) and children. (Back) Illinoi (Arnold) Bassett, Elroy, William, Erasmus, John Mass, Leander, Monroe (Standing in middle) Thedore, Daniel, and Charles (Sitting) Caroline, Cyrus, and James
Garrett - Moses Garrett, son of Thomas Garrett, was born in the Georgia/South Carolina area in 1805. He married in Oglethorpe Co., GA in 1825 , and came north to the Clinton county area, with his wife and the in-law's, Thomas and Elizabeth (Whaley) Morris. The Garretts moved to Foster Twp., Marion Co. IL in the early 1830's. But who were Moses Garrett's parents???
James William "Willie" Garrett and Barbara Ellen "Ella" (Lansford) Garrett (g-grandparents) (1929)
Lansford - The Lansford family were early inhabitants of Pittsylvania Co, VA. Henry Lansford was born in 1776 in that county, and my line of Lansfords remained there until the 1830's when Isham and Sarah Lansford settled way out west in Fayette Co., IL.
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Updated: 02/21/15 Comments?